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Can I book you for shoots?

Yes you can. Contact me on my page or on this site for more information.


I've never had a photoshoot before. Is it difficult/scary?

That's no problem at all! I will guide you during our shoot and I'll make sure it's a fun experience. Don't be afraid to ask something during the photoshoot or if there's anything you want to do (poses/ideas/locations). I don't bite! I promise!



Can anyone book you for shoots?
Yes they can. I'd gladly shoot with anyone.


I live in a different country, can I book you for photoshoots?

SURE! But with the travelling expenses it might get a bit pricy? BUT, I do occasionally travel to different countries. If I'm in your country - hit me up and we'll arrange something. I hope I can travel to conventions in different countries as well!



Do you shoot for free?
No I don't. I also don't accept meals or other gifts as a form of payment.



How much does a shoot cost?
The price varies depending on the shoot itself, and the amount of work related to it. Contact me for more information about prices. 



Do you shoot at conventions? And if so, can I ask you for a few pictures?
Yes I do. I'm usually in cosplay as well, but I always keep my camera close by. You can ask me if I can shoot you at the con and I will try. I usually end up being quite busy at cons so please take that in to consideration when asking me. I might not have enough time for everyone. Shoots at cons are free. 


Keep in mind that shoots at cons usually don't end up being perfect because of lighting, bad backgrounds, scenery and so on. I highly recommend booking an outside shoot for awesome end results.



Can I share your pictures?

Of course you can! Just don't forget to credit me as the photographer, and also link back to my page.



Can I post your photos anywhere?
As long as you credit me like above. If there are any commersial sites please ask my permission before posting it.



Can I alter your photos?
No you can not. It is highly disrespectful to alter a photographers finished product. Altering includes editing colors, cropping, removing watermarks e.t.c. The photos should only be shared as they are posted/delivered.



Can I sell prints of my self using your photos?
Contact me before you decide to sell anything.



Can I get some RAW files for editing? Just for practice?
No you can not. A photographer doesn't give away raw, unedited files. We deliver a finished product.



How many pictures can I get after a shoot?
It really depends on the shoot itself and the extent of it. Not all shoots end up having a lot of shots to pick from. Usually there's at least five photos from each shoot.



These are some of the most frequent questions I get regarding shoots. Don't be afraid to ask me anything! I'll gladly answer all of your questions.

© 2025 by Ookami Photography
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